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IRB Infrastructure Trust

IRB Infrastructure Trust is a “Private Trust”, registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882 and SEBI’s Infrastructure Investment Trusts Regulations 2014. The Trust is settled by the IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. as Sponsors with stake of 51% and 49% by affiliates of GIC, Singapore’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.

The Trust has acquired 10 BOT road assets from the Sponsors, IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited, with 6,270 Lane Kms, in the States of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Goa, Karnataka, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, which are being managed in pursuant to concessions granted by the National Highways Authority of India.

GIC Affiliates, Singapore

GIC Affiliates, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, is a disciplined long-term value investor in the Trust and leading global investment firm, entrusted to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves, through investments across a wide range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, private equity, real estate and infrastructure in over 40 countries. Its primary strategy is to directly invest in the assets with high cash flow visibility.

Trust at Glance

  • Combination of 4 and 6 Laning Assets
  • 10 BOT Concessions
  • 6,270 Lane Kms
  • Weighted Average Concession life: 20 Years
  • Enterprise Value of Approx. Rs.26,500 Crores
  • All Assets Revenue Generating